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英文版 柳宗悦評論集―The unknown craftsman

英文版 柳宗悦評論集―The unknown craftsman

商品番号 bk0000500





題名英文版 柳宗悦評論集―The unknown craftsman
著者柳 宗悦
寸法24 x 18 x 2.4 cm
種類単行本 230ページ
説明This book challenges the conventional ideas of art and beauty.
What is the value of things made by an anonymous craftsman working in a set tradition for a lifetime?
What is the value of handwork? Why should even the roughly lacquered rice bowl of a Japanese farmer be thought beautiful?
The late Soetsu Yanagi was the first to fully explore the traditional Japanese appreciation for "objects born, not made."

Mr. Yanagi sees folk art as a manifestation of the essential world from which art, philosophy,
and religion arise and in which the barriers between them disappear.
The implications of the author's ideas are both far-reaching and practical.

Soetsu Yanagi is often mentioned in books on Japanese art,
but this is the first translation in any Western language of a selection of his major writings.
The late Bernard Leach, renowned British potter and friend of Mr. Yanagi for fifty years,
has clearly transmitted the insights of one of Japan's most important thinkers.
The seventy-six plates illustrate objects that underscore the universality of his concepts.
The author's profound view of the creative process and his plea for a new artistic freedom within tradition are especially timely now
when the importance of craft and the handmade object is being rediscovered.
民芸の考えに共感し、世界に広げていくために是非学生さんにも読んでもらいたい名著。,br> それほど複雑な英語ではない。海外の方で、日本の美に興味がある方へのプレゼントにもぴったりです。